Sunday, March 6, 2011


Well even though Sydney's basketball team (the Diamonds that is) has a slim chance of finishing off the season with at least one win, she has managed to score a few times against the monsters they call the other team (or the so-called Emeralds). This past Saturday they gave them a run for their money only trailing 10 pts behind in the end. Sydney contributed with an assist, and scored 2pts for the team!

I guess I should explain that in the league she's playing on now, they only had enough girls sign up to make two teams. And while her team is a pretty good mixture of 4th-6th graders with some skills, but still learning at the same time, the other team is made of mostly ginormous 6th grade girls with a few years experience, and freakishly tall 4th and 5th graders. BUT that doesn't get them down. They give it their ALL Everytime and Never Give Up! Plus it's great practice for when they get into middle school and high school. It'll give them an edge. While these other girls, which have not been fully challenged, will be faced with "real" competition someday and not be prepared for it. At least that's what I tell myself ;-)

We have a couple more games sure would be nice to win one.


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