Monday, May 9, 2011

still running...

T-Ball is in full swing now and Sammy is getting better everyday. He can bat left or right handed, but I think he does better with his right hand. Daddy has been practicing with him in the yard a lot and he seems to like it :)
Sydney is still training with her running club after school and preparing for her 1st 5K! I thought I might try it with her, but I may be walking most of the way hahaha...  I've been trying to train as well, but the last bout of chemo (or the current clinical trial I'm on, not sure which) has caused neuropathy in my hands and feet, making it very difficult to run and stabilize myself. I get a little dizzy and my equilibrium feels off, strange?  - But I'm still trying!!
Can't complain too much, I'm still here and enjoying life!